

NumPy is the fundamental package for scientific computing in Python. It is a Python library that provides a multidimensional array object, various derived objects (such as masked arrays and matrices), and an assortment of routines for fast operations on arrays, including mathematical, logical, shape manipulation, sorting, selecting, I/O, discrete Fourier transforms, basic linear algebra, basic statistical operations, random simulation and much more.



# numpy的简单操作
import numpy as np

data = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]]
arr = np.array(data)
print(arr.ndim)  # 维度
print(arr.shape)  # 形状
print(arr.dtype)  # 数据类型

''' 输出:
[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]]
[[1 2 3]
 [4 5 6]
 [7 8 9]]
<class 'numpy.ndarray'>
(3, 3)

# ndarray的创建
import numpy as np

data = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]
arr1 = np.array(data)  # 会创建新副本
arr2 = np.asarray(data)  # 不会创建新副本
arr3 = np.ones([2, 3], dtype=np.int64)  # 创建全为1的矩阵
arr4 = np.zeros([2, 3])  # 创建全为0的矩阵
arr5 = np.empty([2, 3])  # 创建矩阵,并填入无意义值
arr6 = np.full([2, 3], fill_value=1.23)  # 指定填充数值创建矩阵
arr7 = np.eye(2)  # 创建n*n的对角阵

print('arr1:\n', arr1)
print('arr2:\n', arr2)
print('arr3:\n', arr3)
print('arr4:\n', arr4)
print('arr5:\n', arr5)
print('arr6:\n', arr6)
print('arr7:\n', arr7)

''' 输出
 [[1 2 3]
 [4 5 6]]
 [[1 2 3]
 [4 5 6]]
 [[1 1 1]
 [1 1 1]]
 [[0. 0. 0.]
 [0. 0. 0.]]
 [[1.13863948e-311 1.13863947e-311 1.13863947e-311]
 [1.13942031e-311 5.92878775e-323 4.59481051e-322]]
 [[1.23 1.23 1.23]
 [1.23 1.23 1.23]]
 [[1. 0.]
 [0. 1.]]


import os

import numpy as np
import requests
from PIL import Image

isExist = os.path.exists('./cat.jpg')
if not isExist:
    url = 'https://bkimg.cdn.bcebos.com/pic/a8ec8a13632762d0f703fa1f08ba1ffa513d2697684e'
    open('./cat.jpg', 'wb').write(requests.get(url).content)

cat = Image.open('./cat.jpg')  # 读取图片
cat_data = np.array(cat)  # 将图片数据转换为矩阵
print(cat_data)  # jpeg范围为0~255的整数,png范围为0~1的浮点数

''' 输出:
<class 'PIL.JpegImagePlugin.JpegImageFile'>
[[[231 212 195]
  [231 213 193]
  [232 214 194]
  [189 137  97]
  [189 137  97]
  [189 137  97]]

 [[231 213 193]
  [231 213 193]
  [232 214 192]
  [187 138  97]
  [189 137  97]
  [189 137  97]]

 [[230 212 192]
  [231 213 191]
  [230 214 191]
  [187 138  97]
  [187 138  97]
  [187 138  97]]


 [[228 208 183]
  [228 208 183]
  [228 208 183]
  [203 178 156]
  [203 178 156]
  [203 178 156]]

 [[228 208 183]
  [228 208 183]
  [228 208 183]
  [202 177 155]
  [202 177 155]
  [202 177 155]]

 [[228 208 183]
  [228 208 183]
  [228 208 183]
  [202 177 155]
  [202 177 155]
  [202 177 155]]]
(1357, 1080, 3)






# 仅保留G-Green像素信息的图片
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image

cat = Image.open('./cat.jpg')
cat_data = np.array(cat)

for i in range(len(cat_data)):
    for j in range(len(cat_data[0])):
        cat_data[i][j][0] = 0  # 清除R-Red的像素信息
        cat_data[i][j][2] = 0  # 清除B-Blue的像素信息


''' 输出:
(1357, 1080, 3)




# 像素裁切
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image

cat = Image.open('./cat.jpg')
cat_data = np.array(cat)

cat2 = cat_data[400:1100, 300:800]  # 像素裁切




# 矩阵变形
import numpy as np

arr = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])
print('arr:\n', arr)
print('arr_reshape(3,2):\n', arr.reshape(3, 2))
print('arr_reshape(6):\n', arr.reshape(6))

''' 输出:
 [[1 2 3]
 [4 5 6]]
 [[1 2]
 [3 4]
 [5 6]]
 [1 2 3 4 5 6]
# 实现图片旋转
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image

cat = Image.open('./cat.jpg')
cat_data = np.array(cat)
cat2 = cat_data.transpose(1, 0, 2)  # (1357, 1080, 3)将行列的索引进行交换




# 实现图片连接
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image

cat = Image.open('./cat.jpg')
cat_data = np.array(cat)
cat2 = np.concatenate((cat_data, cat_data), axis=1)  # axis默认为0,表示x轴扩展(行扩展);1表示y轴扩展(列扩展)

''' 输出:
(1357, 1080, 3)
(1357, 2160, 3)



# 也可以使用hstack()或vstack()方法进行级联
import numpy as np

arr = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])
print(np.vstack((arr, arr)))  # 列扩展
print(np.hstack((arr, arr)))  # 行扩展

''' 输出:
[[1 2 3]
 [4 5 6]
 [1 2 3]
 [4 5 6]]
[[1 2 3 1 2 3]
 [4 5 6 4 5 6]]


# 矩阵切分
import numpy as np

arr = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]])
arr_sp = np.split(arr, indices_or_sections=[1])
arr_sp = np.split(arr, indices_or_sections=[1, 2])
arr_sp = np.split(arr, indices_or_sections=[1], axis=0)  # 按x轴的水平线切分,与np.vsplit(arr, indices_or_sections=[1])等效
arr_sp = np.split(arr, indices_or_sections=[1], axis=1)  # 按y轴的水平线切分,与np.hsplit(arr, indices_or_sections=[1])等效

''' 输出:
[array([[1, 2, 3]]), array([[4, 5, 6],
       [7, 8, 9]])]
[array([[1, 2, 3]]), array([[4, 5, 6]]), array([[7, 8, 9]])]
[array([[1, 2, 3]]), array([[4, 5, 6],
       [7, 8, 9]])]
       [7]]), array([[2, 3],
       [5, 6],
       [8, 9]])]
# 将图片按照y轴水平线切分为左右两块,以实现切片效果
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image

cat = Image.open('./cat.jpg')
cat_data = np.array(cat)
cat_left, cat_right = np.hsplit(cat_data, indices_or_sections=[int(len(cat_data[0]) / 2)])






# 创建数据副本
import numpy as np

data = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])
arr = np.array(data)
print('arr: \n', arr)
arr[0][0] = 10
print('arr: \n', arr)
arr_cpy = arr.copy()
arr_cpy[0][0] = 20  # 修改副本不会对原矩阵产生影响
print('arr: \n', arr)
print('arr_cpy: \n', arr_cpy)

''' 输出:
 [[1 2 3]
 [4 5 6]]
 [[10  2  3]
 [ 4  5  6]]
 [[10  2  3]
 [ 4  5  6]]
 [[20  2  3]
 [ 4  5  6]]



Pandas is a Python package that provides fast, flexible, and expressive data structures designed to make working with "relational" or "labeled" data both easy and intuitive. It aims to be the fundamental high-level building block for doing practical, real world data analysis in Python. Additionally, it has the broader goal of becoming the most powerful and flexible open source data analysis / manipulation tool available in any language. It is already well on its way towards this goal.




# 读取CSV文件
import pandas as pd

data = pd.read_csv('./greenhouse_gases.csv')
print(data.head(10))  # 读取前10行

''' 输出:
   Unnamed: 0  year  gas  concentration
0           1    20  CO2          277.7
1           2    40  CO2          277.8
2           3    60  CO2          277.3
3           4    80  CO2          277.3
4           5   100  CO2          277.5
5           6   120  CO2          277.6
6           7   140  CO2          278.3
7           8   160  CO2          279.7
8           9   180  CO2          280.4
9          10   200  CO2          280.6

# 读取CSV文件并设置读取格式
import pandas as pd
# sep:分隔符,header:表头行数,names:表头名称
data = pd.read_csv('./greenhouse_gases.csv', sep=',', header=0, names=['index', 'year', 'gas', 'concentration'])
''' 输出:
   index  year  gas  concentration
0      1    20  CO2          277.7
1      2    40  CO2          277.8
2      3    60  CO2          277.3
3      4    80  CO2          277.3
4      5   100  CO2          277.5
5      6   120  CO2          277.6
6      7   140  CO2          278.3
7      8   160  CO2          279.7
8      9   180  CO2          280.4
9     10   200  CO2          280.6


# Series
import pandas as pd

s1 = pd.Series([1.2, 'x', 5, 'man'])

''' 输出:
0    1.2
1      x
2      5
3    man
dtype: object

# Series可接收不同参数
import pandas as pd

print('-' * 6, 's1', '-' * 6)
s1 = pd.Series([1.2, 'x', 5, 'man'])
print('s1.index = ', s1.index)
print('s1.values = ', s1.values)
print('-' * 6, 's2', '-' * 6)
s2 = pd.Series([1.2, 'x', 5, 'man'], index=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'])  # index用来指定索引
print('-' * 6, 's3', '-' * 6)
s3 = pd.Series({'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3, 'd': 4})

''' 输出:
------ s1 ------
0    1.2
1      x
2      5
3    man
dtype: object
s1.index =  RangeIndex(start=0, stop=4, step=1)
s1.values =  [1.2 'x' 5 'man']
------ s2 ------
a    1.2
b      x
c      5
d    man
dtype: object
------ s3 ------
a    1
b    2
c    3
d    4
dtype: int64

# Series数据查询
import pandas as pd

s = pd.Series([1.2, 'x', 5, 'man'], index=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'])
print(s[['b', 'a']])  # 查询多个索引

''' 输出:
b      x
a    1.2
dtype: object

# Series数据切片
import pandas as pd

s = pd.Series([1.2, 'x', 5, 'man'], index=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'])

''' 输出:
a    1.2
b      x
c      5
dtype: object
a    1.2
b      x
c      5
dtype: object
a    1.2
b      x
c      5
dtype: object


import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

data = pd.read_csv('./greenhouse_gases.csv')
top10 = data.head(10)
print(top10, end='\n\n')

df = pd.DataFrame(top10.values, index=list('abcdefghij'), columns=['index', 'year_new', 'gas_new', 'concentration_new'])
print(df, end='\n\n')
print(df.dtypes, end='\n\n')

df['index'] = df['index'].astype(np.int64)

''' 输出:
   Unnamed: 0  year  gas  concentration
0           1    20  CO2          277.7
1           2    40  CO2          277.8
2           3    60  CO2          277.3
3           4    80  CO2          277.3
4           5   100  CO2          277.5
5           6   120  CO2          277.6
6           7   140  CO2          278.3
7           8   160  CO2          279.7
8           9   180  CO2          280.4
9          10   200  CO2          280.6

  index year_new gas_new concentration_new
a     1       20     CO2             277.7
b     2       40     CO2             277.8
c     3       60     CO2             277.3
d     4       80     CO2             277.3
e     5      100     CO2             277.5
f     6      120     CO2             277.6
g     7      140     CO2             278.3
h     8      160     CO2             279.7
i     9      180     CO2             280.4
j    10      200     CO2             280.6

index                object
year_new             object
gas_new              object
concentration_new    object
dtype: object

index                 int64
year_new             object
gas_new              object
concentration_new    object
dtype: object


# 修改索引及修改列数值类型
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_csv('./greenhouse_gases.csv')
df.set_index('year', inplace=True)
print(df.index, end='\n\n')
df.loc[:, 'concentration'] = df['concentration'].astype(str).str.replace('.', '').astype(np.int32)

''' 输出:
RangeIndex(start=0, stop=300, step=1)
Index([  20,   40,   60,   80,  100,  120,  140,  160,  180,  200,
       1820, 1840, 1860, 1880, 1900, 1920, 1940, 1960, 1980, 2000],
      dtype='int64', name='year', length=300)

      Unnamed: 0  gas  concentration
20             1  CO2          277.7
40             2  CO2          277.8
60             3  CO2          277.3
80             4  CO2          277.3
100            5  CO2          277.5
      Unnamed: 0  gas  concentration
20             1  CO2         2777.0
40             2  CO2         2778.0
60             3  CO2         2773.0
80             4  CO2         2773.0
100            5  CO2         2775.0
# DataFrame的多条件过滤查询
import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_csv('./greenhouse_gases.csv')
print(df.loc[0:5, ['gas', 'concentration']])
df.set_index('year', inplace=True)  # 修改索引列
print(df.loc[[20, 40], ['gas', 'concentration']])  # 连续数据筛选
# df[(df.index.values >= 100) & (df.index.values <= 300) & (df['gas'] == 'CO2')] 与下面等效
print(df.loc[(df.index.values >= 100) & (df.index.values <= 300) & (df['gas'] == 'CO2'), :])  # 多条件筛选

''' 输出:
   gas  concentration
0  CO2          277.7
1  CO2          277.8
2  CO2          277.3
3  CO2          277.3
4  CO2          277.5
5  CO2          277.6
      gas  concentration
20    CO2          277.7
20    CH4          638.1
20    N2O          263.2
40    CO2          277.8
40    CH4          631.1
40    N2O          263.3
      Unnamed: 0  gas  concentration
100            5  CO2          277.5
120            6  CO2          277.6
140            7  CO2          278.3
160            8  CO2          279.7
180            9  CO2          280.4
200           10  CO2          280.6
220           11  CO2          281.3
240           12  CO2          281.4
260           13  CO2          280.6
280           14  CO2          280.0
300           15  CO2          279.8


# 直接赋值(新增一列)
import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_csv('./greenhouse_gases.csv')
df.loc[:, 'concentration2'] = df['concentration'].astype(str) + 'ppm'

''' 输出:
     Unnamed: 0  year  gas  concentration concentration2
0             1    20  CO2          277.7       277.7ppm
1             2    40  CO2          277.8       277.8ppm
2             3    60  CO2          277.3       277.3ppm
3             4    80  CO2          277.3       277.3ppm
4             5   100  CO2          277.5       277.5ppm
..          ...   ...  ...            ...            ...
295         296  1920  N2O          285.2       285.2ppm
296         297  1940  N2O          287.7       287.7ppm
297         298  1960  N2O          292.3       292.3ppm
298         299  1980  N2O          302.6       302.6ppm
299         300  2000  N2O          315.4       315.4ppm

# 一次新增多列
import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_csv('./greenhouse_gases.csv')
df = df.assign(gasA = lambda x : x['gas'] + 'a', gasB = lambda x : x['gas'] + 'b')

''' 输出:
   Unnamed: 0  year  gas  concentration  gasA  gasB
0           1    20  CO2          277.7  CO2a  CO2b
1           2    40  CO2          277.8  CO2a  CO2b
2           3    60  CO2          277.3  CO2a  CO2b
3           4    80  CO2          277.3  CO2a  CO2b
4           5   100  CO2          277.5  CO2a  CO2b

# 根据自定义函数赋值
import pandas as pd

def get_gas_type(df):
    if df['gas'] == 'CH4':
        return '甲烷'
    elif df['gas'] == 'N2O':
        return '一氧化二氮'
    elif df['gas'] == 'CO2':
        return '二氧化碳'
        return '其他温室气体'

df = pd.read_csv('./greenhouse_gases.csv')
df.loc[:, 'gas'] = df.apply(get_gas_type, axis=1)

     Unnamed: 0  year    gas  concentration
0             1    20   二氧化碳          277.7
1             2    40   二氧化碳          277.8
2             3    60   二氧化碳          277.3
3             4    80   二氧化碳          277.3
4             5   100   二氧化碳          277.5
..          ...   ...    ...            ...
295         296  1920  一氧化二氮          285.2
296         297  1940  一氧化二氮          287.7
297         298  1960  一氧化二氮          292.3
298         299  1980  一氧化二氮          302.6
299         300  2000  一氧化二氮          315.4

[300 rows x 4 columns]

# 数值统计和计算
import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_csv('./greenhouse_gases.csv')
print(df['gas'].value_counts())  # 统计不同gas列参数的数量
print(df['gas'].unique())  # 获取不同的gas列

''' 输出:
CO2    100
CH4    100
N2O    100
Name: count, dtype: int64
['CO2' 'CH4' 'N2O']


# 缺失值判断
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({'Python': [np.nan, 128, 117, None], 'Math': [119, 88, 116, np.NaN]},
                  index=list('abcd'), columns=['Python', 'Math', 'En'])
print(df, end='\n\n')
print(df.isnull(), end='\n\n')  # 判断格子内是否为空数据
print(df.notnull(), end='\n\n')  # 判断格子内是否为不为空数据
print(df.any(), end='\n\n')  # 某列只要有一个True就是True
print(df.all(), end='\n\n')  # 某列都为true才是True
print(df.isnull().any(axis=0), end='\n\n')  # 列是否都为null
print(df.isnull().all(axis=1), end='\n\n')  # 行是否都为null

''' 输出:
   Python   Math   En
a     NaN  119.0  NaN
b   128.0   88.0  NaN
c   117.0  116.0  NaN
d     NaN    NaN  NaN

   Python   Math    En
a    True  False  True
b   False  False  True
c   False  False  True
d    True   True  True

   Python   Math     En
a   False   True  False
b    True   True  False
c    True   True  False
d   False  False  False

Python     True
Math       True
En        False
dtype: bool

Python    True
Math      True
En        True
dtype: bool

Python    True
Math      True
En        True
dtype: bool

a    False
b    False
c    False
d     True
dtype: bool

# 删除缺失值,也可参考DataFrame的多条件过滤查询
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({'Python': [np.nan, 128, 117, None], 'Math': [119, 88, 116, np.NaN]},
                  index=list('abcd'), columns=['Python', 'Math', 'En'])
delList = [x for x in (set(df.index.values) - {'a', 'c'})]  # 保留ac
print(df.drop(delList), end='\n\n')  # 删除保留外的行
print(df.dropna(), end='\n\n')  # 丢弃空值行/列

''' 输出:
   Python   Math   En
a     NaN  119.0  NaN
c   117.0  116.0  NaN

Empty DataFrame
Columns: [Python, Math, En]
Index: []


# 填充缺失值
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({'Python': [np.nan, 128, 117, None], 'Math': [119, 88, 116, np.NaN]},
                  index=list('abcd'), columns=['Python', 'Math', 'En'])
print(df.fillna(value=1, limit=2), end='\n\n')  # value:填充值,limit参数:限制填充个数
print(df.fillna(method='ffill'))  # pad/ffill:用前一个非缺失值去填充该缺失值 backfill/bfill:用下一个非缺失值填充该缺失值 None:指定一个值去替换缺失值(缺省默认这种方式)

   Python   Math   En
a     1.0  119.0  1.0
b   128.0   88.0  1.0
c   117.0  116.0  NaN
d     1.0    1.0  NaN

   Python   Math  En
a     NaN  119.0 NaN
b   128.0   88.0 NaN
c   117.0  116.0 NaN
d   117.0  116.0 NaN


# 分组和合并
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_csv('./greenhouse_gases.csv')
group_by_gas = df.groupby('gas', sort=True)
print(group_by_gas.sum(), end='\n\n')  # 求和
print(group_by_gas.aggregate('sum'), end='\n\n')  # 求和,aggregate()可简写为agg()
print(group_by_gas.aggregate(np.mean), end='\n\n')  # 求平均
print(group_by_gas.aggregate(np.std), end='\n\n')  # 求标准差

''' 输出:
     Unnamed: 0    year  concentration
CH4       15050  101000        69788.3
CO2        5050  101000        28212.4
N2O       25050  101000        26847.2

     Unnamed: 0    year  concentration
CH4       15050  101000        69788.3
CO2        5050  101000        28212.4
N2O       25050  101000        26847.2

     Unnamed: 0    year  concentration
CH4       150.5  1010.0        697.883
CO2        50.5  1010.0        282.124
N2O       250.5  1010.0        268.472

     Unnamed: 0       year  concentration
CH4   29.011492  580.22984     154.027558
CO2   29.011492  580.22984      11.876368
N2O   29.011492  580.22984       7.761210


# 表格拼接concat()
import pandas as pd

df1 = pd.DataFrame({'apts': [55000, 60000], 'cars': [200000, 300000]}, index=['Shanghai', 'Beijing'])
df2 = pd.DataFrame({'apts': [150000, 120000], 'cars': [25000, 20000]}, index=['Hangzhou', 'Nanjing'])
df3 = pd.DataFrame({'apts': [30000, 10000], 'cars': [100000, 100000]}, index=['Guangzhou', 'Chongqing'])

frames = pd.concat([df1, df2, df3], keys=['df1', 'df2', 'df3'], sort=False)  # key:添加区分关键字

''' 输出:
                 apts    cars
df1 Shanghai    55000  200000
    Beijing     60000  300000
df2 Hangzhou   150000   25000
    Nanjing    120000   20000
df3 Guangzhou   30000  100000
    Chongqing   10000  100000

# 表格拼接_append()
import pandas as pd

df1 = pd.DataFrame({'apts': [55000, 60000], 'cars': [200000, 300000]}, index=['Shanghai', 'Beijing'])
df2 = pd.DataFrame({'apts': [150000, 120000], 'cars': [25000, 20000]}, index=['Hangzhou', 'Nanjing'])

print(df1._append(df2, sort=False))

''' 输出:
            apts    cars
Shanghai   55000  200000
Beijing    60000  300000
Hangzhou  150000   25000
Nanjing   120000   20000

# 表格拼接merge()
import pandas as pd

df1 = pd.DataFrame(
    {'apts': [55000, 60000, 58000], 'cars': [200000, 300000, 250000], 'city': ['Shanghai', 'Beijing', 'Shenzhen']})
df2 = pd.DataFrame(
    {'salaries': [10000, 30000, 3000, 2000, 15000], 'city': ['Suzhou', 'Beijing', 'Shanghai', 'Guangzhou', 'Tianjin']})
print(df1, end='\n\n')
print(df2, end='\n\n')
print(pd.merge(df1, df2, on='city', how='inner'), end='\n\n')  # left:左连接, right:右连接, inner:内连接, outer:全连接, cross:交叉连接
print(pd.concat([df1.set_index('city'), df2.set_index('city')], sort=False, axis=1, join='inner'))  # concat()可以达到同样效果

''' 输出:
    apts    cars      city
0  55000  200000  Shanghai
1  60000  300000   Beijing
2  58000  250000  Shenzhen

   salaries       city
0     10000     Suzhou
1     30000    Beijing
2      3000   Shanghai
3      2000  Guangzhou
4     15000    Tianjin

    apts    cars      city  salaries
0  55000  200000  Shanghai      3000
1  60000  300000   Beijing     30000

           apts    cars  salaries
Shanghai  55000  200000      3000
Beijing   60000  300000     30000

# 表格拼接join()
import pandas as pd

df1 = pd.DataFrame(
    {'apts': [55000, 60000, 58000], 'cars': [200000, 300000, 250000], 'city': ['Shanghai', 'Beijing', 'Shenzhen']})
df2 = pd.DataFrame(
    {'salaries': [10000, 30000, 3000, 2000, 15000], 'city': ['Suzhou', 'Beijing', 'Shanghai', 'Guangzhou', 'Tianjin']})
print(df1.join(df2, how='left', lsuffix='left', rsuffix='right'))

''' 输出:
    apts    cars  cityleft  salaries cityright
0  55000  200000  Shanghai     10000    Suzhou
1  60000  300000   Beijing     30000   Beijing
2  58000  250000  Shenzhen      3000  Shanghai